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Welcome to my story website

Here on the website you will find some links to some of my older stories and some story previews. Things are bit out of date and when I get the time, I will be giving the site a good makeover.


In the meantime, to access ALL of my stories, including the very latest updates to all of your favourites, as well as interesting chat and other stuff, please visit my discussion board


Gymnopedies - 22nd March 2020




The original, novel-length erotic fantasy adventure was written over a period of about four years and featured a group of teens, including celebrities, with special powers.


This story is now being completely rewritten, minus the celebrities, to make it bigger and more exciting than ever. There are twenty-two chapters completed so far. 1-5 are available here (follow the links above). 6-22 are available in the Work In Progress forum on the discussion board.



When Bryan gives in to his mother's demands that he give modelling a try, and reluctantly signs up with the "Boys On View" modelling agency, he has little idea of exactly what is in store for him. Join Bryan and his friend as they move step by step into the world of online modelling.


Twenty-eight chapters so far completed, 1-10 are available here (follow the links above). 11-28 are available in the Work In Progress forum on the discussion board.